Greenleaf Classics Books - Gallery of Imprints
Books in this Greenleaf Classics archive are grouped and organized by Imprint, to match how they were published. Browse down this list of imprints to learn more about them and see examples of books in each one. The list is in alphabetical order.
An imprint would be used for a period of time for publishing a certain style of book, and then it would end. To get an overview of when the books in each line were published see the timeline of the imprints.
Adult Books (280 books)
Adult Books (1967 to 1973): 280 titles. numbered AB 401 thru AB 500 and then AB 1501 thru AB 1680.
Bedside Books (110 books)
Prototype series published before the Greenleaf brand started. Bedside Books (1959 to 1963): 110 titles, numbered BB 801 thru BB 828, BTB 952 thru BTB 980, and then BB 1201 thru BB 1252
Case History (24 books)
Case History (1972): 24 titles, reprinted from the Late-Hour Library imprint, numbered CH 1 to CH 24.
Companion Books (318 books)
Companion Books (1967 to 1973): 317 titles, numbered CB 501 thru CB 816.
Evening Reader (160 books)
Evening Reader (1963 to 1966): 160 titles, numbered ER 701 thru ER 796 and then ER 1201 thru ER 1264.
Greenleaf Classics (236 books)
Greenleaf Classics (1965 to 1969): 237 titles, numbered GC 101 thru GC 420 and then GC 501 thru GC 506.
Late-Hour Library (144 books)
Late-Hour Library (1967 to 1969): 144 titles, numbered LL 701 thru LL 844.
Leisure Books (216 books)
Leisure Books (1963 to 1967): 216 titles, numbered LB 601 thru LB 696 and then LB 1101 to LB 1220.
Midnight Reader 1961 (92 books)
Midnight Reader 1961 (1961 to 1963): 92 titles, numbered MR 401 thru MR 492.
Midnight Reader 1974 (214 books)
Midnight Reader 1974 (1974 to 1975): Re-use of an imprint name from eleven years earlier but with a new style. 214 titles, numbered MR 7401 thru MR 7614.
Nightstand Books (461 books)
Nightstand Books (1959 to 1970): 454 titles, numbered NB 1501 thru NB 1654 and then NB 1701 thru NB 2000. Books NB 1713 thru NB 1716 were not published.
Nitime Swapbooks (128 books)
Nitime Swapbooks (1970 to 1973): 128 titles, numbered NS 401 thru NS 528. The imprint was called Nitime Stories in the final six months it was published.
One Shots (3 books)
This imprint is used by the archive to group books from three imprints that contain only a single published title. Reed Classic Library (1974), Confession Books (1967) and Diary Books (1967)
Pleasure Reader (297 books)
Pleasure Reader (1967 to 1973): 297 titles, numbered PR 101 thru PR 396.
Reed Nightstand (136 books)
Reed Nightstand (1973 to 1974): 134 titles, numbered 3001 thru 3064 and then 4001 thru 4072. This imprint reprinted many original Nightstand Books with different titles and bylines.
Regency Books (42 books)
Book series that is not part of the core Greenleaf brand. Regency Books (1961 to 1963): 42 titles, numbered RB 101 thru RB 118 and then RB 301 thru RB 324.