Vintage Greenleaf Classics Books 1959 - 1975

Greenleaf Classics Nitime Swapbooks NS412 - The Stud At Swap Ranch (1971)

Publisher Greenleaf Classics
Imprint Nitime Swapbooks
Number NS412
Title The Stud At Swap Ranch
Byline J.D. Twigg
Date Jan '71    1971
Artist Darrel Millsap

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Nitime Swapbooks NS412 - The Stud At Swap Ranch by J.D. Twigg, cover art by Darrel Millsap (1971)

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J.D. Twigg, “The Stud At Swap Ranch (1971),” Nitime Swapbook NS412, Vintage Greenleaf Classics Books, accessed December 12, 2024